Medical Device Net

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Largest PMA Medical Device Types


Medical Specialty

Number of Devices

1 Cardiovascular 27,043
2 Ophthalmic 6,336
3 General and Plastic Surgery 2,943
4 Microbiology 2,928
5 Neurology 2,721
6 Gastroenterology and Urology 2,475
7 Orthopedic 2,336
8 Clinical Chemistry 1,128
9 Pathology 1,078
10 Ear, Nose and Throat 951
11 Immunology 848
12 General_Hospitalr 788
13 Obstetrical and Gynecological 618
14 Radiology 425
15 Anesthesiology 395
16 Dental 300
17 Toxicology 51
18 Molecular Genetics 47
19 Physical Medicine 32

Largest PMA Medical Device Categories (Product Codes)


Product Code

Number of Devices

Medical Specialty

1 2655 Cardiovascular
2 2299 Cardiovascular
3 1921 Cardiovascular
4 1617 Ophthalmic
5 1346 Cardiovascular
6 1337 Cardiovascular
7 1265 Neurology
8 1185 Microbiology
9 1068 Ophthalmic
10 1030 Ophthalmic
11 999 Cardiovascular
12 964 General and Plastic Surgery
13 939 Cardiovascular
14 885 Cardiovascular
15 863 Cardiovascular
16 737 Cardiovascular
17 695 General_Hospitalr
18 668 Ear, Nose and Throat
19 653 Cardiovascular
20 621 Cardiovascular
21 616 Cardiovascular
22 610 Cardiovascular
23 601 Cardiovascular
24 600 Cardiovascular
25 561 Clinical Chemistry
26 560 Neurology
27 536 Cardiovascular
28 529 Ophthalmic
29 526 Cardiovascular
30 517 Cardiovascular
31 507 Cardiovascular
32 497 General and Plastic Surgery
33 491 Gastroenterology and Urology
34 407 Ophthalmic
35 405 Cardiovascular
36 403 Orthopedic
37 391 Gastroenterology and Urology
38 387 Cardiovascular
39 383 Cardiovascular
40 373 Cardiovascular
41 372 Ophthalmic
42 357 Cardiovascular
43 344 Orthopedic
44 321 Cardiovascular
45 300 Orthopedic
46 284 Obstetrical and Gynecological
47 280 Microbiology
48 280 Cardiovascular
49 273 Cardiovascular
50 266 Gastroenterology and Urology
51 255 Ophthalmic
52 241 Microbiology
53 240 Clinical Chemistry
54 236 General and Plastic Surgery
55 223 Cardiovascular
56 219 Pathology
57 215 Cardiovascular
58 215 Cardiovascular
59 211 Orthopedic
60 206 Immunology
61 203 Microbiology
62 202 Ophthalmic
63 198 Cardiovascular
64 192 Microbiology
65 188 Pathology
66 186 Immunology
67 185 Cardiovascular
68 183 Ophthalmic
69 182 Neurology
70 174 Orthopedic
71 169 Cardiovascular
72 164 General and Plastic Surgery
73 164 Cardiovascular
74 159 General and Plastic Surgery
75 158 Immunology
76 158 Gastroenterology and Urology
77 156 Gastroenterology and Urology
78 154 Gastroenterology and Urology
79 150 Cardiovascular
80 146 Cardiovascular
81 141 Anesthesiology
82 141 Microbiology
83 137 Cardiovascular
84 134 Gastroenterology and Urology
85 134 Microbiology
86 133 General and Plastic Surgery
87 131 Microbiology
88 127 Radiology
89 125 General and Plastic Surgery
90 121 Gastroenterology and Urology
91 120 Cardiovascular
92 115 Orthopedic
93 114 Cardiovascular
94 114 Cardiovascular
95 114 Cardiovascular
96 111 Anesthesiology
97 106 Clinical Chemistry
98 105 Gastroenterology and Urology
99 105 Cardiovascular
100 98 Orthopedic

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